Children & Youth Ministry
The Children's Ministry, serving children from Preschool-5th grade, is built around our conviction that learning and worship are partnerser. Our desire is not simply to entertain our children or hand them information. We want to pass along patterns of Christian practice and to develop habits of Christian beliefs that last a lifetime. We teach learning through worship, showing children that they go together.
The Episcopal Youth Community, or EYC, is a program that serves grades 6-12 with activities and reflection-style worship, fusing Disciple Enrichment with building relationships. Considering all of the transitions that children experience during this phase of life this type of fellowship allows them to practice the doctrines that our faith is built on...solid rock!

"Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God"
~ Mark 10:13-16
Annual Activities

Disciple Enrichment
Learning & Worship
We warmly invite children to join our Sunday School, where fun and faith come together! On the first and third Sundays, children and youth can explore Bible stories, compare them to real life situations, engage in creative activities, and build lasting friendships. Our teachers create a welcoming environment where every child can learn and grow in their faith. Join us!
Building Community
What better way to build community than to have fun and cheer each other on. Whether it's skating, bowling, or a movie night Come join the fun once a quarter for food, fellowship and fun.

Graduation Fellowship
Celebrating Achievements
What better way to encourage our children and youth than to look forward to celebrating their achievements. Each year the younger children prepare a fellowship by decorating, displaying awards and memorabilia, and even cooking to say "congratulations" to the graduating class.
Fall Festival
Building Community
The fall festival is a celebration, uniting the community with music, delicious fall-themed food, and fun games. The parish hall is beautifully adorned with pumpkins and colorful leaves with music and karaoke filling the air. Showcasing the congregation's diversity, families and friends come together, creating a tapestry of unity and celebration under the glowing hues of the season.

Community of Faith
Calling all youth to join us for the annual Lock-In. This is a PJs-only affair as we tell stories, play games, bake cookies, make popcorn, and gather as a community of faith. To acknowledge God's presence there is a faith-based lesson for the youth to ponder as they try to stay awake all night.
A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove, but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.
– Forest Witcraft
The Renewal Movement
From the Dictionary of the Episcopal Church
The Renewal Movement is the enlivening and spiritual reawakening of the church through prayer and a variety of ministries and programs. These programs seek to revitalize the church by increasing Christian faith, devotion, and commitment. Many participants in the renewal movement attribute its success to the active presence of the Holy Spirit.
The renewal movement has included a diversity of expressions and movements within the Episcopal Church. Catholic renewal has brought liturgical renewal, the recovery of classical spirituality, and Cursillo. Evangelical renewal has placed a new emphasis on shared Bible study, personal conversion, and world mission. Charismatic renewal has emphasized the availability of the gifts of the Holy Spirit for the church.
The broad church has encouraged renewal of commitment to issues of justice and peace. All these movements manifest the nature of the church as always being reformed and always in need of renewal. The renewal movement gained strength and participation in the Episcopal Church in the later decades of the twentieth century. Below is a list of the renewal programs offered in the Diocese of Florida.