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Leaders in Worship

Something for Everyone

At St Philip's Episcopal Church, we welcome all to worship in our traditional and contemporary services. We welcome all individuals seeking God’s love. We teach the doctrines of our Savior in prayer and through service in the church and the community. Please join a special group of Philipians in serving during worship.



Acolyte Guild

In Episcopal church, acolytes are not only servers, torchbearers, and lighters of candles but also crucifers, thurifers, and banner-bearers. They assist deacons in the preparation of the table.

Flower Guild

The Flower Guild is a group that is dedicated to making floral arrangements to beautify the altar. If you are looking for a way to let your creative juices flow then join us for a training.

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Gospel Choir


This is your Event Description. It’s a great place to give your visitors information about upcoming events at your church and around the community. Include relevant information like where and when it’s happening, who it’s geared towards, and who to contact with questions. Add an image or a video for extra engagement.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a volunteer group of the parish whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services, and clean up afterwards. Altar Guild members frequently supervise the decoration of the sanctuary of the parish with flowers (along with the Flower Guild).

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Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs)

Eucharistic Ministers are lay people who are licensed by the bishop to administer the consecrated elements of the eucharist. Our LEMs may also be licensed to go from a Sunday eucharist or other celebrations of the eucharist to share the sacrament with members of the congregation who were unable to be present at the celebration because of illness or infirmity.


Lay Readers

Join our lay readers who lead the Daily Offices of the church. If needed, lay readers may lead the liturgy for the Holy Eucharist through the prayers of the people, concluding with the Lord's Prayer and the grace, or with the exchange of the peace. They even provide readings for special services and events.

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